


So I went to Detroit for the weekend and it was fun and cool. It's so rock and roll there and tuff, compared to the art school nerd look going on here. Chicago is Weezer and Detroit is the Stooges. I liked that it was different. I got to hear Pam read some stuff she wrote and it was great. And I saw her friend Dave play and he was really good. It's always nice when your friends do not suck and you don't have to lie about how good they are after the show or art opening or poetry slam or porno. I've had good luck lately in that department.

One thing was kind of upsetting. On Sat. morning Pam watched Leprechaun 3 at Deborah and Tim's. And every sentence out of Pam's mouth was, "Well in Leprechaun 3," like every thing we did could be explained via that movie, like Leprechaun 3 had so much to teach us about ourselves and the world we live in. And when we went out that night, Pam would always reply to the waiter or bartender with, "Well, me and the Lep will have�" So embarrassing!

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