move and wolves fighting bears



Weird day. I�m moving offices to the new place across from the Chicago Lyric Opera building at 2p.m. It�s brand new and has tv�s in the elevator that give the weather and commercials. Like Minority Report. May I borrow your eyeballs? There�s also plasma screen tv�s on each floor in the �lounge� areas. Does that mean I can start watching the View now at work? That's what my job has been missing, daytime television. I need to set up a wireless network here at work and get a laptop so I can do all my work in front of the tv. Also there�s a guy here who I think was hired just for the move. Little bandy legged white guy in his 40�s. He has a collection of t-shirts, all one size too small, that are neat. Today it has wolves on it, and I think they are fighting bears. I imagine him opening his closet and there are hundreds of such t-shirts on hangers for him to choose from. Someday they will all end up at Goodwill and I�ll see kids at shows wearing them and I�ll be sad, wondering what happened to the guy and hope he�s ok. I'm going to miss the cafeteria downstairs here at the Board of Trade. The new place is suppose to have one also but it's not open yet. But there is a bar and grill up and running in the lobby. But I saw the menu and it has a $11.00 mac and cheese dish. $11.00! Whose running that place? Some really rich five year old?

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